Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Tidbits

This year, my family is starting a new tradition of sorts. Instead of the usual kitchen full of gabbing and grub, we're eating out. Not at your typical restaurant either. No, my family has chosen to hit Fin & Feather Resort for its Thanksgiving day buffet. While I'm not 100% sold on this particular source, I am warming to the idea of eating out -- mainly because it means no clean-up or leftovers. But I will miss our family cornbread dressing and sweet potato casserole.

But Thanksgiving is not about the food. Instead it's a reminder of all that we have in our lives for which we should be thankful. I truly am blessed and feel grateful for the family, friends and fortune God has given me. I am thankful for my loving husband who has the patience of a saint for putting up with my neurotic behavior. My parents are fantastic examples of longevity in marriage and I thank God for allowing me the privilege of both of them remaining in my life. The list goes on and on and on.

This is also the time of year where my thoughts turn to my husband's family. Nine years ago, they lost Bonnie (Pete's mom) suddenly to an aneurysm. I never had the opportunity to meet her but from all that I've heard about her, she was an amazing woman. This is a difficult time of year for Pete because he thinks about Bonnie and all that the family is missing because she's not around. I know that one day we'll meet in heaven and I pray that she thinks I have given her son as much love as he deserves.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Entering the Blogosphere

I figured it's time. Time to check out the blogging world. In the last few years, I've given this idea a great deal of thought but hadn't made the call to actually begin the process. It's time.

Here I sit in my living room in Tulsa, watching the OSU Cowboys' football game, and thinking about hundreds of potential topics to share on this blog. I hope I can provide readers with pieces that are thought-provoking, humorous or educational. Bear with me and I work my way through this process and find my voice. My goal is to write at least twice, maybe three times a week. We'll see how I do.

Signing off for now. Going to focus on the game for a while.